
Dual Disorders: Addictions and Other Mental Disorders

Miquel Roca
President of the Congress

Carlos Roncero
President of the SEPD

Nestor Szerman
President of the WADD 

Dear friends and colleagues:

From April 17th to the 20th 2024 we will organize a joint congress in Mallorca (Spain), that will be the 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders (SEPD).

Our scientific societies remain committed to the transfer of knowledge originating in the neurosciences to people who suffer from mental disorders, including addictions, inseparable from these disorders.

The world’s most important speakers in the field of mental health led by Nora Volkow, Director of the NIDA-Institute (National Institute on Drug Abuse) from the USA will hold a conference entitled “Dual disorders in the era of Precision Psychiatry”, the framework in which we will address BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL mental care, advancing thus in the care improvement for people with mental disorders, from an integrative, transdiagnostic and dimensional perspective.

Our objective is to offer a vision of mental health and illness aligned with the knowledge of this 3rd decade of the 21st century, which makes possible clinical training in Dual Disorders for all professionals who work in Mental Health.

This integrative and multidisciplinary conference welcomes all professionals working in the area of Mental Health and Dual Disorders to join an innovative scientific program, together with more than 2,000 colleagues from at least 70 countries.

Mallorca is during those spring days of April the perfect scenery for the scientific and personal come together this joint WADD and SEPD congress will make possible.

Miquel Roca
President of the Congress

Carlos Roncero
President of the SEPD

Nestor Szerman
President of t